Haygrove School

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Quantock Education Trust

Our Curriculum Intent

Throughout Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8, and 9) and Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11), the school complies with all statutory elements of the National Curriculum.

At Haygrove School we believe that every person matters and it is important that everyone:

  • Aspires to be the best that they can be.
  • Is challenged and empowered to take risks, show initiative and be enterprising in a secure environment.
  • Recognises, supports, celebrates and promotes achievement.
  • Respects diversity within the community and develops caring, respectful and positive attitudes.
  • Promotes and models mental, physical, spiritual, social and emotional wellbeing.
  • Makes a positive contribution to the development and maintenance of a sustainable school environment and takes responsibility for their impact on the wider environment.

It is essential that all students:

  • Engage in a personalised curriculum which meets current needs, future aspirations and equips them to become flexible and adaptable lifelong learners.
  • Are encouraged to enjoy active learning with and from each other.

Curriculum Intent

All children will experience an 
ambitious, well-balanced and comprehensive curriculum that develops intellectual and moral character. As a result, this will improve life chances, inter-personal relationships, social mobility and preparedness for employment.  Our curriculum will encourage everyone to have a positive impact on society.


Our aim is that the school curriculum should be:

  1. Well-balanced and comprehensive offering a broad range of experiences for as long as possible. We continue to offer a 3-year Key Stage 3 curriculum that includes Design and Technology, Arts, Modern Foreign Languages and PE.
  2. Informed, intellectual, developmental and moral. Our purpose is to develop well-rounded global citizens and this aim is embedded into our Character Education strategy and underpinned by our Literacy and Reading strategy and our overall belief in academic potential.
  3. Focused on improving life chances for young people by raising aspirations and employability. Our engagement with employers for curriculum development and our comprehensive careers education programme, alongside our school-wide student leadership opportunities help to make this happen.
  4. Aimed at enabling young people to build positive relationships with other people so that they can make a positive impact on the local community. Our school-wide involvement in fundraising and our engagement with our Trust-wide partner schools, plus the wide range of extra-curricular opportunities that are available to our students all support this intent.